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If a motion to quash has been filed, it suggests that the party believes there may be a defect in the legal proceeding or the document being challenged. The party is asking the court to invalidate or set aside the action based on specific legal grounds. It does not automatically mean the request will be granted, as the court will need to review and decide on the motion.

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How do you dismiss a case filed in small claims court transferred to circuit court?

To dismiss a case filed in small claims court that has been transferred to circuit court, you would need to file a motion to dismiss with the circuit court judge. The motion should explain the reason for the dismissal, such as a settlement between the parties or lack of jurisdiction. The judge will then review the motion and decide whether to grant the dismissal.

How can you find out if assault charges have been filed?

You can typically find out if assault charges have been filed by checking online court records, contacting the courthouse where the incident occurred, or speaking with a criminal defense attorney who can help you navigate the legal process.

How do you get a copy of a will?

To get a copy of a will, you can request it from the executor or personal representative of the deceased's estate. If the will has been filed with the probate court, you can also request a copy from the court. Additionally, some states allow wills to be filed with the county clerk's office.

What is a mesthelioma lawsuit?

A mesothelioma lawsuit is a legal claim filed by individuals who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, a type of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. These lawsuits seek compensation from companies responsible for the exposure to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages associated with the illness.

How long after custody papers have been filed does the respondent have in the state of Kentucky?

In Kentucky, after custody papers have been filed, the respondent typically has 20 days to file a response to the petition. This timeframe may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case and any court orders issued. It is important to check the court rules and any specific timelines provided in the custody papers.

Related questions

What is a motion to quash?

Quash is "to make void"A motion to quash is often used for suppressing service of a summons/complaint or warrant or other legal proceedings (discovery of evidence) due to such things as lack of jurisdiction, wrong identification of a person, unlawful basis, keeping confidential files secret, etc.

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If you are in jail now because your probation has been revoked, it is likely that you will remain in jail until the final decision on the motion is made by the court.

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The Plaintiff's motion for summary judgment is asking the court to rule on all pleadings that have been filed in the case. This happens if one of the defendants has filed an response or answer. The Plaintiff will usually ask for judgment when filing a motion for summary judgment.

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Contact the office of the Clerk Of The Court. Any cases filed for court action must be filed with that office first.

What happens when a motion of judgment has been mailed to you but not yet filed with the courts?

If you were mailed a copy of the motion, it sounds very much like it is an "information copy." (i.e.; You are being advised of what the motion to the judge will contain).

What is an entry to deny a Motion to Compel?

It means a motion has been filed requesting the court to deny the original Motion to Compel petition or the judge actually denied the motion and it was entered into the court record as such. The exact wording defines which of the actions is being referred to.

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It goes back to the original court after a motion for a new trial has been filed and granted.

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In order to give a definitive answer one would need to know what the motion was, 'spindle' simply indicates that a motion of some sort has been filed.

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