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Q: What is moving more than one body part a time?
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What are horses favorite body part?

A horses doesn't have a 'favorite' body part. Picking out a favorite body part is a human attribute more concerned with vanity than anything else.

What body part do you have more than 100 of?

bones, muscles, blood cells, hairs, cells in the body.

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If a person is consuming more protein than their body requires?

Part of it will be drained away by the kidneys, part of it will turn into fat.

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my theory is that the the soul moving around you see not the true body. which in that is in orb shaped.

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Why is the treachea so important?

It is no more or less important than any other part of your body.

Do girls like being girls because of there breasts?

No. There is much more to it than a body part.

What causes flight?

An airplane or bird wing has a curved upper part and a straight lower part. The lower part, when moving against air, causes more pressure down than the upper part, which causes flight.

Which is the hardest bone in your body?

Your thigh bone, which is stronger than concrete.Answer:The hardest bone in the body is the temporal bone, more specifically the petrous part of it. It is stronger and harder than any other bone in the body.

The bulk of the tissue of a muscle tends to lie?

it lies opposite it lies oppositeopposite...thank you MCC

Which choice accurate accurately describes economy of the northern part of the US during the 1800s?

More people were moving into cities in the North than in the South.