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Q: What is muscle in calves used for walking?
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What are calves in French?

If calves is used to talk about the plural form of the calf muscle, it is translated as "mollets". If calves is used to refer to the youngs of certain mammals, such as a cow, it is translated as "veaux".

Why do your calves hurt so much when walking?

Your calves should not hurt when walking. Perhaps there is a difficult with your footwear or the surface you are walking on. Please check with your physician. .

The triceps are the major muscle of the calves?

No. The triceps is an upper arm muscle

How are calves used in football?

explosiveness, quickness, speed, acceleration, and agility. A very important muscle in the sport of football.

What muscles are used when dancing modern?

From being a modern dancer, I can tell you that in my opinion, I have used every muscle at one point or another. From calves to arms or shoulders to thighs...basically every muscle can be used because any movement can be used!

Does walking on an incline build muscle?

Of course it does. If walking builds muscle then walking at an incline builds muscle. Different muscles will be worked at different angles.

What is the purpose of the decline function on NordicTrack treadmills?

The decline feature imitates the experience of walking downhill. While most treadmills feature an incline feature to simulate uphill running or walking, the NordicTrack is one of the few to have the decline feature. Walking downhill strengthens different muscle groups in the legs, notably the hamstrings and calves.

What sport would you use your upper calf muscle?

Any sport that includes running/walking/cycling will use your calf muscles. Riding a bike every day is also a good way to strengthen your calves.

What muscle makes you jump higher?

Quads , hamstrings, buttlock and calves

How do you gain muscle on your legs fast?

Exercises.Calf raises for the calves and squats for the thighs and gluts.

What builds better muscle tone walking or biking?

Walking and biking both build muscle tone, especially in the lower body. Pumping arms while walking briskly will help increase muscle tone in upper body.

What is the function of the calf muscle?

It causes flexion of the knee and plantarflexion of the foot.