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From being a modern dancer, I can tell you that in my opinion, I have used every muscle at one point or another. From calves to arms or shoulders to thighs...basically every muscle can be used because any movement can be used!

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Q: What muscles are used when dancing modern?
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What muscle are used in tap dancing?

The muscles used in tap dancing include: bicep and other arm muscles calf muscles and thigh muscles back muscles and bottom muscles but you will only work all of these muscles if you are tap dancing correctly.

Does tap dancing help your muscles?

All forms of dance help your muscles, and tap dancing is no exception. Tap dancing especially focuses on calves, shin, and ankle muscles.

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all of them. specifically targeted are the back, deltoid, bicep, tricep, abdominal, and quadrecep muscles used in stunting, tumbling, and cheering/dancing.

What muscles or joints do you use in dance?

A wide variety of muscles are used depending on which type of dancing for example disco dancing may use a lot more arm muscles than ballroom dancing ___________________________________________________________ Depends on what part of your body you are moving.. You could be kruming or belly dancing or ball room dancing.. they all would probably affect you diffrently.

What muscles are used form dance?

Depends on the dance. An easy way to tell is by dancing a lot and feeling what is sore. Forms like breakdancing use the most muscles.

How many people know modern dancing?

Well depends on what kind of modern dancing like break dancing hip hop jazz but basically 50 percent of the people in Canada know modern dancing!

What muscles do you use in ice dancing?

ur but muscle

What dance is like modern dance?

Modern dance consists of dancing to different music such as African. I consider it to be most like jazz in how your body moves and what muscles are being used; however, it doesn't use the same moves. The moves are sum what like yoga in that you express your body's energy and "flow" through dance.

What are facts about tap dancing?

Any kind of dancing is good for your brain, your muscles, your bones, and surprisingly your relationships!

Is pop dancing an Olympic sport?

Yea pop dancing is an Olympic sport because it is modern and they do all types of modern dancing in the Olympics! I hope this helped you

Why do people stretch after dancing?

Dancing is extremely rigorous and puts great strain on the muscles. Stretching after dancing prevents stiffening and buildup of lactic acid.

What are some chanukah dances?

The dancing done on Hanukkah, is not specific to Hanukkah. all types of dancing is done, including modern dancing and israeli dancing.