

What is muscle in french?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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spelled the same, muscle.

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Q: What is muscle in french?
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What is origin and insertion of muscle?

an origin is where the muscle attaches to the bone, it also attaches on another bone, this is called the insertion, the attachment where the bone moves is the insertion, the attachment where the bone does not move is the origin.

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Napoleon was part of a coup against the French Directory and became the First Consul of the Executive Government of the First French Republic. He had been brought into the coup attempt to provide the military muscle.

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Muscle does not connect to muscle. Fascia is a connective tissue that connects muscle to organs. Tendons connect muscle to bone.

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A skeletal muscle.

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there is a thigh muscle its a skeletal muscle

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Tendons tie muscles to bones and ligaments tie muscle to muscle.

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Striated muscle tissue is muscle tissue that has repeating tubular muscle cells. Striated muscles include skeletal striated muscle, embryotic branchiomeric muscle, and cardiac muscle.

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The difference between muscle mass and muscle hypertrophy is that muscle hypertrophy is the increase in size of skeletal muscle while muscle mass is the weight of your body muscle.

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