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Q: What is muscle recruitment?
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What is maxiimum recruitment?

In context one can assume that maximum recruitment is refering to "maximum muscle recruitment" or MMR. MMR refers to the percentage of a muscle's strength potential is used.

Explain a muscle spasm in terms of recruitment of muscle fibers?

A muscle spasm is the spontaneous recruitment of muscle fibers. The resulting contraction is usually painful, but it typically resolves very quickly.

Increasing the number of active motor units is called?

Muscle recruitment

What is recruitment anatomy?

Increasing the number of muscle fibers involved in the contraction.

What is recruitment in anatomy?

Increasing the number of muscle fibers involved in the contraction.

What is an increase in the number of active motor units in a muscle called?


Is the force of muscle contraction controlled by multiple motor unit summation and recruitment?


What is multiple motor unit summation or recruitment in a muscle?

When a greater number of motor units are present in a muscle and are able to be simultaneously stimulated causing an increase in muscle force (Sherwood, and Kell 271-272).

What is the recruitment principle of weight training?

The recruitment principle of weight training states that if you want to train a muscle (for size, strength, tone, endurance, etc), you have to "recruit" it during your workout. Your calves, for example, will not gain benefit from quadriceps lefts, because the calf muscles aren't recruited (used) in that exercise. The principle applies primarily in compound exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, that recruit multiple muscle groups in a single exercise. Proper form and technique mandates the amount of recruitment each muscle should get in a given exercise, in order to maximize gains and prevent injury.

What is e recruitment Recruitment life cycle Recruitment cycle time Sources of recruitment Recruitment of salesman and what does recruitment mean?

recruitment is a process of selection in which every body can take part init ,but recruitment doesn't leads toward employment.

What is e-recruitment Recruitment life cycle Recruitment cycle time Sources of recruitment Recruitment of salesman and what does recruitment mean?

e-recruitment is the online selection of candidates in a cost and time effective manner.

How does Recruitment recruitment work into training and development?

job Ad, Placement and recruitment