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Calcium from the Latin word calcis.

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Q: What is named for the Latin word for chalk?
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What is the latin definition for calx?

Calx is the Latin word for chalk or limestone.

Where did cretaceous get its name?

The origin of the word cretaceous comes from the Latin "creta" which means "chalk".

Who came up with the word crayon?

It is French from "craie" pencil and Latin "creta" for chalk

Why is the system named solar?

That is named after the Sun - from the Latin word for Sun ("sol").

What is the latin translation for spider?

There is no word for spider in latin. Only a particular species are named in latin.

What is the reason for naming calcium?

Calcium is derived from the Latin word for a pebble or a small stone, calculus. It was probably named that because most stones contain a high percent of calcium salts, as chalk is Calcium Carbonate.

Where did the word junk come from?

it came from a latin word named spongebob

Element named from latin word Fluere?

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What month of the year is named from the latin word for seven?

September, from the Latin 'septem'.

What is the latin word for xenon?

Xenon was discovered in 1898 and named Xenon. There is no Latin name.

What is the gender of chalk?

The word 'chalk' is a neuter noun, a word for a thing that has no gender.

What month's name derives from the Latin word for 'ten'?

December is named after 'decem' which is Latin for ten.