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Q: What is narcolespy?
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Is provigil the same as desoxyn?

No; Provigil is a brand name for the drug modafinil while Desoxyn is a brand name for the drug methamphetamine. Modafinil is used to treat narcolespy and shift-work sleep disorder, along with other conditions as determined by a doctor. Modafinil is classified as an atypical stimulant and has a lower potential for abuse than most traditional stimulants. Methamphetamine is used to treat ADHD and obesity; it is rarely used due to it's extreme potential for abuse.

What is the difference between amphetamine and d-amphetamine?

Amphetamine is a stimulant used to treat ADHD/ADD, narcolespy, and in some cases obesity. Amphetamine has two sides (levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine). Dextroamphetamine exerts more mental effects than levoamphetamine.

What other diseases are related to ADHD?

Narcolepsy is often referred to medically as ADHD's cousin. Narcolespy involves the same lack of dopamine in the brain, but those with narcolepsy can become unconscious at any time. Parkinson's disease is chemically related to ADHD.In that there is a lack of dopamine in certain key brain areas.There have even been clinical trials done with the drug Ritalin to find out if it can improve PD symptoms according to the Michael J.Fox foundation for Parkinson's research . To add another point Parkinsonism just like ADHD is only diagnosable through Clinical observation.Meaning just as with ADHD there are no blood or lab tests that can confirm a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Diagnosis of both Parkinson's Disease and ADHD are only really made depending on how a patient responds to a medication used to treat that condition.

How does Adderall work with adult ADHD?

I am experimenting with a drug widely know in Australia call dexamphedtamine.After 43 years of not knowing why I cannot organize my things properly,this is my assistant for getting things accomplished.How it helps me is that it allows my brain to sort out the different tasks at hand. Before,I would look at my desk of papers and within 15 minutes of sorting them find myself organizing my cloths,then fixing my bike.It allows me now to start a task,work through it,and complete it. Its like I have new eyes to see how things work together.I know my brain is sorting things out for me in ways I have never been able to do on my own.I don't like to rely on any drug ,so I will take it every other day or when I have projects that need major focus.Plus,this has been a positive motivator for me in accomplishing my goals.

Can you take adderall and Xanax?

It seems to me as though it would cause a synergystic effect. That is to say, when you take one drug that does the opposite of what another one is supposed to do they cancel the effect of each other out.

What will ADHD medication do to a person without ADHD?

It will give the effect of being under the influence of Amphetamine, also known as speed. I recommend you do not attempt an ADHD medication if not diagnosed with it by a Licensed professional. Part two: Not only that, but you may become anemic and dramatically underweight, can approach death as a small child, and become depressed (personal experience from improper diagnosis of asperger's). I have adult ADHD and I once had a roommate that did a ridiculous thing. She did a self-diagnosis and determined that she had ADHD. She stole around twenty of my Ritalin from the cabinet that I place my medication in. She left to go camping and decided that she would take the amount that had been prescribed by my doctor for me. Well, to make a long story short, she ended up in the emergency room. She started to display symptoms of a heart attack. I strongly advise individuals that think that they might have ADHD to consult with a specialist that will make a well researched diagnosis. I believe some people out there "wish" they had ADHD. I will be fifty one in a couple of weeks and have had ADHD every since I can remember. Having ADHD presents many challenges in a person's life. Individuals have to learn compensatory skills to overcome many of the obstacles that they face. I have encountered many "normal" people who greatly misunderstand me. I have even been called "weird" by neighbors, friends, and colleagues. Despite, all of this, I went to college. I have a Bachelors in Science (Magna cum Laude) and a Masters of Education (Summa cum Laude) degree in the field of special education. I taught severely disturbed children for twenty-eight years. I have retired from teaching and am currently enrolled in a Solar Photovoltaic program. Whenever I become discouraged I think about a quote that Montel Williams made at the beginning of his career: "Believe to Achieve." So in short, if you're not diagnosed with ADHD, there's no reason to take such medication.