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Q: What is natural pasture have?
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What is the natural resource of farms?

Pasture and water

What is the natural resource of sheep farms?

Pasture and water

What is different between natural pasture and artificial pasture?

Artificial pasture is more or less equivalent to the term "tame pasture" in North America. It is a pasture that contains grasses that are tame, non-native or "soft" over grasses that are native, wild or "hard." The latter is called "natural pasture." Artificial pastures contain grasses that are more vigorous, competitive and tend to have a much higher forage biomass over a growing period than native grasses do, making them ideal for grazing in a controlled system over a nomadic pastoral system typical of natural pastures. Native versus artificial pastures are terms that are used in eastern Europe, parts of Asia and Africa. Please see the related links below for more information.

What do you do if your new horse is rejected in a pasture?

This is the way horses are: your horse is the "new kid", the lowest in the pasture's pecking order. The gender make up of the pasture has an effect too, as does the gender of your horse; but they will all eventually work it out, it's a natural part of their world and they know how to handle it.

Is it important to put drinking troughs in a pasture with no natural water source horses?

Yes (its a question from howrse)

What is a pasture spring?

It could mean one of two things: A pasture spring could mean that there is a natural water source in the pasture, hence a spring. Think of the springs in the mountains where ground water emerges. There are springs also in pastures, particularly if the pasture is located in the mountains or foothills somewhere. The second thing is if I switched the words around to "spring pasture." This just means that new grass is emerging after the winter snows have melted. Spring pasture is when the grass is new and lush, and the perfect time to put the livestock out to graze.

What are pasture entrances called?

Gateways, or pasture openings, or even pasture entrances.

What is a related word to pasture?

A pasture is similar to a field.

What is the synonm for pasture?

The plural form of pasture is pastures.

The act of moving livestock from pasture to pasture?

Switching over, rotating, moving livestock to a new pasture, etc.

What is pasture grass and hay considered to be?

pasture grass and hay

Fish is to water as cow is to?

field or pasture