

What is natural recombination?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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im not completely sure but i think it is... CHEESE CAKE!

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Q: What is natural recombination?
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Related questions

How does genetic recombination influence how species change over time?

The genetic variation introduced during recombination provides new allelic combinations for natural selection to act upon.

Why does recombination between linked genes continued to occur?

New allele combinations are acted upon by natural selection

Is natural selection a source of variation within species?

No, mutation and sexual recombination are the sources of variation and natural selection selects from those variations presented to it against the immediate environment.

What is the starting point for all natural selection?

Mutation and recombination leading to variations in organisms. Without these variations there would be nothing to select from.

What is inhereited variation with recombination and gene flow?

What is inertied variation with recombination .

What is a recombination breakpoint?

A breakpoint is defined as the location where a recombination event occurs in a sequence.

An example sentence using the word recombination in it?

The word "recombination" is a noun. An example of a sentence using the word would be: She understood that DNA recombination involved the exchange of genetic material.

What is it called when you are removing a section of DNA to be used for recombination?

Removing a section of DNA to be used for recombination is called

What is the other name of homologous recombination?

It's also called "general recombination".Sometimes homologous recombination is mistakenly called "crossover", but crossover is a result of homologous recombination and not really synonymous.

Which causes more variation within a population from generation to generation mutation or sexual recombination and Why?

Sexual recombination only takes genes already extant and make new combinations. Mutation presents a brand new variation ( if not neutral or deleterious ) to the eye of natural selection. So, mutation, from generation to generation.

How do you find recombination frequencies on a chromosome?

Recombination frequency = (Recombinant offspring) / (Total offspring) i.e. the recombination frequency is calculated by taking the number of recombinant offspring and dividing it by the total number of offspring.

What are two sources of genetic variation?

Natural and Artificial Selection