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Q: What is needed to attach and detach myosin heads from actin?
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What three molecules make up the thin filament?

1. Actin 2. Tropomyosin 3. Troponin

What are thin filament made of?

Assuming that you're talking about the thin filament of a muscle fiber then its made of actin, troponin, tropomyosin, and a binding site for a calcium ion.

The thin filaments of a sarcomere consist of?

The length of the thick filament is the A band. The A band contains both thick and thin filament because they are overlapping each other. The H band is thick filament only, however, it only covers a portion of width of the thick filament.

What causes fluid to flow?

The rhythmic, coordinated contraction of the atria and ventricles of the heart. In the normal healthy heart, contraction is produced in response to depolarisation of sino-atrial nodal tissue which then propagates through the ventricular tissue. Excitation is coupled to contraction via calcium ion influx and actin-myosin cross bridge activation. This produces myocyte fibre shortening and the ventricular wall thickens, a majority of which is attributable to shear deformation in the inner third of the ventricular mass. This shearing or sliding, much like a deck of cards sliding upon one another, occurs between muscle layers of the ventricles and is believed to account for the majority of wall thickening. Ventricular wall thickening forces blood out of the ventricular chambers and into the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Relaxation or diastole follows systole, this enables the heart to relax and fill with blood in order to repeat the above process.

What happens to the particles when Ice cream when it is being eaten on a sunny day and it starts to drip down the cone before being licked up?

wierd question but..... the particles start to absorb energy from the sun which enables them to move around more so they can change from a soild to a liquid. it gose down the cone because of the gravitaional force actin on it!

Related questions

What does myosin attach to?

During muscle contraction, myosin cross bridges attach to active sites of ACTIN FILAMENTS.

What makes rigormortis cease after 72 hours?

The myosin heads detach from actin, allowing the muscles to relax; prior to rigor mortis, Directly after death ATP is not produced therefore, Ca +2 is absent within the myosin binding sites on the actin, which leads to the myosin heads not being able to detach from actin, this condition doesnt allow the muscle to relax, aka rigor mortis. For the muscle to relax or for rigor mortis to cease the myosin heads detach from actin.

During muscle contraction myosin cross bridges attach to which active sites?

actin filaments

What are the proteins are involved in muscle contraction?

Actin and myosin

Myosin cross bridges attach to active sites of?

actin (thin) filaments

During skeletal muscle contraction myosin cross bridges attach to active sites of?

During skeletal muscle contraction myosin cross bridges attach to active sites of actin filaments. Actin filaments bind ATP. Their growth is regulated by thymosin and profilin.

What are the names of protein filaments in a muscle fiber?

Actin Filaments

How do proteins actin and myosin interact to make a muscle contract?

Myosin and Actin

What is the name of the regulatory protein?

myosin and actin

What are the two contractile proteins of muscle?

The two types of protein that are in your muscle cells are actin and myosin. What they do is they slide past each other and that makes a muscle cell work.

What mineral is needed to allow actin and myosin to interact?

In order for myosin to connect to actin's active sites, Ca ions must be released from storage in the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm. A nerve impulse stimulates the release of Ca ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Once the Ca ions are released into the sarcoplasm, they bind to troponin. Once they bind to troponin, troponin no longer is bound to tropomyosin. Tropomyosin is now no longer covering up actin's active sites, thus allowing myosin to attach to actin's active sites.

Where do myosin cross bridges attach during muscle contraction?

Myosin functions as an ATPase utilizing ATP to produce a molecular conformational change of part of the myosin and produces movement. Movement of the filaments over each other happens when the globular heads protruding from myosin filaments attach and interact with actin filaments to form crossbridges. The myosin heads tilt and drag along the actin filament a small distance (10-12 nm). The heads then release the actin filament and adopt their original conformation.