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Q: What is nerve root displacement and causes?
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What is displacement of the bilateral L5 nerve roots in the neuroforamen and displacement of the left S1 nerve root as it exits the canal?

The nerves coming off the spinal cord at L5 and S1 are being pushed out of their normal position.

What is the greek root meaning nerve?

Neuro is the Greek root meaning nerve.

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Structures form by the fusion on the anterior root and posterior nerve root?

Spinal nerve.....

What is nerve root effacement?

Nerve root effacement refers to nerve root compression. This is an issue where the root of the nerve is compressed into the spine before exiting it, which can cause some painful back symptoms.

What is the word root for inflammation of the nerve?

Neur- is the word root for neuritis, meaning inflammation of a nerve.

Under what circumstances may a laminectomy be performed?

Laminectomy may be performed when an abnormality causes spinal nerve root compression that causes leg or arm pain that limits activity.

What is the medical term meaning surgical incision into a nerve root?

Vagotomy is the medical term meaning surgical incision of the vagus nerve.

Where does the L3 nerve root go?

I found this page to be helpful. tells where each root nerve goes and what it does.

What is nerve root compromise?

Compromise of a nerve root essentially means that the bones in the spine are pressing against a nerve in a manner that is not normal. This pressure typically results in pain.

What is Radiculopthy?

Disease of nerve roots is called radiculopathy. nerve root is part of the nerve that exits from spinal cord. radiculopathy can be caused by disc or some diseases like diabetes can cause inflammation of nerve root.

What causes motor nerve damage?

pulling on the nerve