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Stress causes no sleep

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What causes bags under the eyes?

Lack of sleep causes bags under the eyes.

What are the primary causes of sleep deprivation?

There are many primary causes of sleep deprivation. Some of the primary causes of sleep deprivation includes insomnia, sleeping in an unsafe area, and having an odd sleeping schedule.

Is hypotension associated with more sleep and puffiness of face?

Yes Hypotension often causes excessive sleep. Excessive sleep often causes puffiness of the face.

What does an Hypnotic do?

It is a medicine that causes sleep

What causes sleep deprivation?

The causes of sleep disturbance are many and varied. Sleep disturbance can, for example, be triggered by relatively simple environmental events.

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Is sleep deprivation a leading cause of anxiety panic?

Sleep deprivation is proven to be one of the leading causes of anxiety. However it seems to be a viscous circle as anxiety creates sleep deprivation, and when we are deprived of sleep it again causes anxiety.

What are some of the causes of sleep eating?

Some causes of sleep eating are staying up too late into the night, starvation, or obesity. These reasons are the top 3 reasons for the causing of sleep eating.

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What causes yelling in your sleep?

Vivid dreams

What causes REM sleep?

I don't really think anything causes REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement, and it's one of the stages of sleep. I'm not certain, but I think it's the stage of sleep where your dreams are most vivid, meaning the deepest form of sleep.

What is a hypnotic?

A hypnotic is an agent that induces sleep or causes sleep, also a sedative.