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Q: What is noisy rain usually with lightning?
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What is most dangerous in thunderstorm rain or lightning?

In most cases it is lightning. Any cloud-to-ground lighting bolt can kill while rain is usually harmless. Rain, too, can be dangerous if it leads to flooding.

Do tornadoes form after the rain and lightning?

They do not need any rain or lightning to stop. They may be shrouded in rain and are often accompanied by lighting. That said, tornadoes usually do form in the rear portion of a thunderstorm, which is often behind the area of heavy rain.

Does heavy rain and lightning occur before a tornado?

Yes, very often tornadoes are preceded by heavy rain and lightning. Tornadoes usually form near the back of a supercell thunderstorm.

Is thunder like rain?

No. Rain is water falling from the sky. Thunder is a loud booming noise produced by lightning. Thunder is usually accompanied by rain.

Does Lightning clean the atmosphere?

No. Lightning actually produces small amounts of pollutants such as ozone and nitrogen oxides. The rain the usually accompanies lightning can remove some pollutants.

Why do mushrooms occur after a lightning?

Mushrooms are fungi, and require water, which usually falls as rain during a storm.

What is dry lightnig?

Lightning usually occurs when is rains, sleets, hails etc, most comonly when there is a thunder storm. Dry lightning simply means that there is not rain present when the lightning occurs. Hope that helps

What is the word for 'lightening rain' when translated from English to Japanese?

Lightning rain would be translated to "ama no hotaru", translated literally as rain of lightning.

Does lightning effect rain?

no it can not.

How are thunderstorms different from rain showers?

A rain shower is any even that produces a relatively brief period of rain. A thunderstorm is a rain storm that produces thunder and lightning.

In which season do you get more thunder and lightning with the rain?

Lightning occurs constantly year round. However for given areas of the world it varies, usually with the season. In the US there is more lightning in the spring and summer, than fall or winter.

How did a mushroom form in a lightning?

It isn't the lightning, but the rain, which promotes the growth of mushrooms.