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Q: What is nonspecific focus of increased t-2 and flair signal in right periventricular white matter?
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What does it mean the brain parenchyma shows periventricular T2 hyperintensity and a few scattered subcortical foci of increased T2 and flair signal intensity in the frontal lobes that are nonspecifi?

what does this mean? Impression: There are scattered foci of T2/FLAIR hyperintensity within the periventricular, deep and subcortical white matter. The findings are nonspecific but may be seen in mild to moderate small vessel ischemic changes. No evidence for acute infarct or hemorrhage.

What is increased echogenicity in breast?

Echogenicity is the returning of a signal in ultrasound examinations. Increased echogenicity means increased density of the sound waves.

What is increased signal intensity in a acl ligament?

What does this mean: The ACL demonstrates swelling and some slight increased signal in the area of attachment to the distal femur. in knee injury report.

Can you split a component video signal?

Yes. But you will lose signal quality (decreased brightness and increased interference) without an amplifier.

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what does it mean when you are told you have a small nonspecific focus of subchondral marrow edema involving the anterior medial femoral condyle? left knee

What does nonspecific heterogeneous marrow signal of the proximal femur and left iliac bone with areas of mild edema mean?

Signal intensity is directly related to relative amounts of fat, water, and cells in the marrow. The words nonspecific mean that it is not pointing towards any specific medical abnormality. The mild edema means that the muscle and other tissues around this area has some water built up (edema). Your doctor should explain it to you in words you can understand.

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There is no effect on frequency but the amplitude is increased

Brain T2 signal abnormal?

What does it mean when the MRI states Marked patchy to confluent abnormal T2 signal white matter? increase brain T2 signal from white matter in MRI might be due to AIDS dementia complex

What is a transistor that is normally on with no applied signal?

The PNP transistors conducts when there is no signal at base (0V or grounded), when base current is increased the conduction of PNP transistor decreases.

Does the signal strength matter for the PS3 online cause my signal strength is 0 percent -5 percent at most and it wont connect?

yes you definitly need 20+ signal

When traveling out of state, would Sirius Radio lose signal or does it stay constant no matter where you are?

You should receive your radio signal nationwide.

What is signal foci?

Signal foci is a white matter in the cerebrum. It is a common incidental finding on MRI of the brain of patients with a variety of diseases.