

What is normal dice?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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14y ago

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"Normal" dice are cubes where opposite faces add up to 7. Many games use 6-sided dice with other symbols or even words. The die in Scattergories has 20 sides.

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Q: What is normal dice?
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When two dice are rolled what is the probability of getting a total of 27?

If they are normal dice, the probability is 0.

What are the odds of rolling 18 with 3 dice?

Assuming fair normal dice, the probability is 1/216.

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Since the numbers (number of dots) on normal dice only go from 1 - 6, then I would think the probability of getting the number 100 is zero.

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573 / 1719

What is the most likely combined score when throwing two dice?

For normal dice, and assuming "combined" refers to the sum, the answer is 7.

What is the lowest number you can get when two dice are rolled?

The lowest number will be obtained by getting lowest number on both of the dice if its a 6 sided dice (normal kind) then the lowest will be 2

How many corners do dice have?

A normal cubic die has eight corners.

What is the probability of rolling a 1 on 2 dice?

Assuming normal dice, the answer is 0, since it is impossible to roll a 1 on 2 dice = the least you can get is 1 + 1 = 2.

What is the probability of throwing a odd number on a dice?

On a fair normal die it is 1/2.

What is the probability of rolling an odd number with a dice?

The probability for a normal die is 1/2.