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There are so many factors including age, the amount of exercise you do, your food intake, etc, but go to this website as they have a table which will definitely help you:

Good luck! :)

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30 kg women

40 kg men

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Q: What is normal muscle mass for women and men?
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Related questions

Why are women weak?

Women, on the contrary are not weak. They may have less muscle mass than men do, and have a harder time building muscle mass because they do not have as many steroid-type hormones as men, but for their size, they are actually pretty strong.

Is 61 percent muscle mass high for a female?

Yes, men average 42% while women average about 36%

Do women or men have higher Resting metabolic rate?

Males have a higher percentage of lean body mass.

Why are men quicker than women?

Men are quicker than women because men have more muscle.

What are apache men and women like?

Normal men and women !!Haha

Do girls or boys have more muscle mass?

Typically, boys have more muscle mass than girls due to higher levels of testosterone, which promotes muscle growth. However, individual differences in muscle mass can vary based on factors such as genetics, physical activity, and nutrition.

What is the average female 40 year old muscle mass?

Muscle mass is important in maintaining a healthy body. Depending on age and physical activity level, the average muscle mass percentage lies between 38% and 54% for men and between 28% and 39% for women.

Why do women float better than men?

Women tend to have a higher fat: - muscle ration than men do, and fat is also more buoyant than muscle.

Discus Are men's and women's the same weight?

On average, men tend to have more muscle mass and bone density than women, resulting in men typically weighing more than women of the same height. However, weight can vary greatly based on individual differences in body composition, lifestyle, and genetics.

Do men have more muscle mass than women?

In general, yes. Girls and boys are about equal in muscle mass until they hit puberty. Boys' testosterone levels shoot up, causing them to gain muscle (muscular hypertrophy.) Girls instead experience a rise in estrogen levels, which increases body fat, especially around the pelvis, but no large increase in muscle mass, beyond that of normal growth.However, that is not to say that all men have more muscle mass than women. If you were to compare people individually, you would find that some women have more muscle mass than some men. Men have a natural advantage to gain and retain muscle because of higher testosterone levels, which is why in general, they have higher muscle mass than women.Also around puberty, when males' testosterone level increases, it can make males more aggressive and agitated easier. I don't know the logic as of why being aggressive make males have a bigger body mass, it just does. You can also see this difference in almost all species, except for Bugs and some birds.Another reason is because of adaptation. People say that in Primitive times, the males were the warriors and hunters, while the females tended to the young. Than in the more civilized times, men did the heavy lifting jobs,hunting small and big game, or the more violent jobs where you need to be strong, such as a soldier, slaver, or conquering. Women did the house keeping, cooking, and continued to look after the young. sometimes due to religion, society, because they feared prejudice from their fellow women who did the house work, or in some cases, the male wanted to look tough to his fellow men, other women, or his wife. So many life times of that lead to the males adapting to be generally stronger than women. Now that's not to say women couldn't have done all the things men did than, and they could.

Which on of these eating disorders is more likely to affect men than women?

Muscle dysmorphia and anorexia athletica, and orthorexia affects men and women roughly equally.

Why do men run faster than women?

The men's body is actually built stronger than the women. It is also easier for men to gain muscle than women.