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Dilation and curettage is a procedure involving dilation of the cervix and scraping of the uterine lining. Although cramping and light bleeding are expected following the procedure, a patient who experiences pain should contact her doctor.

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15y ago

It is normal to have pain similar to menstrual cramps following a D&C, and for some women lower Back pain is simply a part of their menstual cramps. If this is true for you, you likely have nothing to worry about. If you're concerned, however, please see your doctor to make sure it's not something more serious, like a kidney infection or retained products. Good luck!

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Q: What is normal pain after a dnc?
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What does the doctor perscribe for the pain after a dnc?

There are a few medications that the doctor could prescribe after a DNC such as Motrin. The doctor may also prescribe Norco for pain management.

When can you exercise after a dnc?

You can resume normal activities within 24 hours after a DNC as long as they are not strenuous.

Abnormal periods after dnc?

IT is normal. Your periods can resume anywhere from 2-6 weeks after a DNC, but you should not wear a tampon until that time.

Who is the current chairman of the DNC party?

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the current chairperson of the DNC. The DNC chairperson is elected by the DNC members.

Why is Obama not yet at the DNC?

the dnc is held in march

What is the difference between DNC and CNC?

a dedicated computer control the machine tool in CNC and in DNC a no: of machines are controlled by a central computer.

What was the DNC ruling in Florida?

The most notable DNC ruling in Florida history has concerned delegates. The DNC ruled they will pledge 185 delegates and 26 super delegates.

Can you can a DNC for an unplanned pregnancy?

I had a dnc done today. The procedure doesn't cause any pain but it's so painful to hear that you are so lucky to have a baby but you want to get risk of it. I want my baby so bad, but I only had the luck to carry him/her for 2 months. Please I beg you to think again.

Is it normal to have pain a month after a hydrocele operation?

hydrocele operation pain till month not normal

Is it normal to like pain with sex?

Well yes it is normal to like pain if it is one of your fetishes then yes by all meens feel and love the pain

Is it normal to have sharp pain during pregnancy?

It depends where you have sharp pain. I get pains sometimes in my ligaments when they stretch, but if you have pain in other areas that may not be normal.

What does the medical abbreviation DNC mean?

D&C, which many people hear as "DNC," mean dilation and curettage.