

What is normocytic?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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11y ago

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Normocytic means, literally, "normal cell." It's often used in the context of describing anemia, where it indicates cells of normal size, rather than those that are too big, which are macrocytic, or too small, which are microcytic.
* Cell size (blood cells): (Terms that refer to cellular size end with "cytic".) normocytes (normal) microcytes (smaller than normal) macrocytes (larger than normal) anisocytes (various sizes)

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Does Normocytic normochromic blood picture affect you in conceiving?

Normocytic and normochromic blood is normal.

What can cause normocytic anemia?

Normocytic anemia (normal MCV) can be caused by kidney and liver disease, bone marrow disorders, or excessive bleeding or hemolysis of the red blood cells.

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Is there any threat to life in normocytic normochromic anaemia?

It's not possible to answer without further information. If you lose half your blood volume, you will have life-threatening normocytic, normochromic anemia. Ask your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What is Anisocytosis Normocytic Normochromic?

Anisocytosis normocytic normochromic means there is a variation in the size of red blood cells in a person. This can be caused by a folate or iron deficiency.

RBC - Normocytic with mild hypochromia?

red blood cells which are normal in size and shape but have low percentage of hemoglobin for more detail

What is normochromic RBC with mild anisocytosis?

'Normo' means normal 'cytic' means cell size 'chromic' means color Thus, normocytic normochromic red cells are normal sized, normal colored red cells. The size and color of cells is often measured when evaluating anemia. But just because the blood appears normal, does not mean there is not a problem. For instance anemia due to acute blood loss will be normocytic normochromic.

What are the signs of hematopoiesis?

Your hemoglobin percentage is okay. You red blood cells are normocytic and normochromic. When blood forming system or hematopoeitic system over work, you can reticulocytes in the circulation. They are the red blood cells with the nucleus.

What leads to normal hematocrit levels in anemia?

Iron deficiency anemia. The normal hematocrit (ratio of packed red blood cells to total blood volume) rules out anemia due to loss of blood cells through hemorrhage or sickling. Below-normal hemoglabin indicates an iron deficiency in this case. No available iron = no hemoglobin produced.

If red cell show normocytic normochromic picture white appears normal platelets are adequate.. do i have hiv test..?

You describe a normal complete blood count. That is a finding separate from the HIV test. Whether you need an HIV test is not based on the complete blood count; instead, you should have an HIV test based on your risk factors for acquiring HIV.

How do you treat normocytic normochromic blood picture with neutrophilic leucocytosis?

That's not a condition to be treated, it's a result from a complete blood count. Just like you can't say "how do you treat pain" or "how do you treat fever," there is not answer for your question. Talk to your health care provider for further information, as s/he has the complete picture given your history and physical, rather than one isolated test.

What are types of anemia that reduce hemoglobin level?

The type of anemia that can reduce the hemaglobin level are the microcytic-hypochromic anemia and the normocytic-normochromic anemia. Microcytic-hypochromic anemia produces small, abnormally small erythrocytes and reduced hemoglobin concentrations. However, hypochromia can occur even in cells of normal size. This type of anemia results from a variety of conditions that are caused by disorders of iron metabolism, porphyrin and heme synthesis, or globin synthesis. Normocytic-normochromic anemia produces a destruction or depletion of normal or mature erythrocytes. Although the erythrocytes are relatively normal in size and in hemoglobin content, they are insufficient in number. This type does not share any common cause, pathologic mechanism, or morphologic characteristics and is less common than the others. The five distinct anemic conditions exemplify the diversity of this classification which are the aplastic anemia, posthemorrhafic anemia, haemolytic anemia, anemia of chronic disease and sickle cell anemia.