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Q: What is northernmost country capital?
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Which country has the northernmost capital in the world?

Reykjavik, Iceland

The westernmost and northernmost European capital city is in what country?

The capital of Iceland is both the westernmost and northernmost capital city in China. The capital city, Reykjavík, is also the northernmost capital of any sovereign state in the world.

What is the northernmost capital city in the world?

Reykjavik is the capital and largest city of Iceland, and the northernmost capital city of any distinct country.(Nuuk is the capital of Greenland, which is a 'country' within the Kingdom of Denmark. It is only slightly farther north than Reykjavik.)

What is the capital city of the northernmost landlocked country in Africa?

Bamako is the capital and largest city of Mali.

What is the capital of the northernmost landlocked country in Africa?

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What is the capital of the western most nation in Europe?

The country of Iceland has the westernmost and northernmost European capital city. The capital and largest city of Iceland is Rychivyk.

Is Juneau the northernmost capital in the US?

Yes. Juneau is the northernmost capital city in the U.S. Juneau is the capital city in Alaska, the northernmost U.S. state.

Where is the world's northernmost capital city?

Reykjavík, the capital and largest city of Iceland, is the world's northernmost capital city.

Where is the northernmost capital?

Reykjavik, Iceland

What is the northernmost landlocked country in Africa?

The northernmost landlocked African Country is Chad.

What city is the northenmost capital city in the world?

The northernmost capital of an independent nation is Reykjavik, Iceland. Greenland's capital, Nuuk, is farther north, however, Greenland is not an independent country- it is part of Denmark.

What is the northernmost capital in the US?
