

What is notional depreciation?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What is notional depreciation?
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Depreciation is called as notional cost why and explain?

Depreciation is called a notional cost because it cannot be measured in real terms.

How do you use notional in a sentence?

Here is a sentence with the word notional, "Most of the ideas the government has are notional and not practical." This means that they only exist in theory.

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Notional amount is the amount which is calculated on the underlying asset for ex: s&p index offering contract @ 250 units trading with price of 1000, than its actual notional value is 250*1000 = 250,000. which is notional amount

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Accumulated depreciation and depreciation are related with each other as depreciation is annual expense while accumulated depreciation is the sum of all annual depreciation expenses.

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How are accumulated depreciation and depreciation expensese related?

Accumulated depreciation and depreciation are related with each other as depreciation is annual expense while accumulated depreciation is the sum of all annual depreciation expenses.

Why accumulated depreciation exceed depreciation expense?

Depreciation expenses is for one specific fiscal year while accumulated depreciation is the sum of all depreciation expenses that’s why accumulated depreciation exceeds the depreciation if there is depreciation expense in prior year as well.

What is a notional cost?

yes, its implied cost.

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