

What is nucleus family?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is nucleus family?
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How big is a Hindu family likely to be and why?

With the advent of nucleus family, the present day Hindu family consists of husband, wife and 1/2 kids. There was a time when Hindu Undivided family consisted of 25/30 heads,with a Karta controlling the entire family. Mainly due to economic reason, the idea of nucleus family has gathered momentum. Along with this, the aspect of material comfort (which was not always there in H.U.F.) also played a crucial role in preferring nucleus family.

What about nuclear family?

"Nuclear family" is a metaphor. The nucleus of an atom is the center part. The family is the center of society. But -- and this is the part that people forget sometimes -- without the surrounding electrons, a nucleus is unstable. A "nuclear family" wouldn't survive very long without all kinds of other families around them. A nuclear family is a family that consists of a mom, dad and one or more children. It's health, not science.

How do you prove that a joint Hindu family undivided property is ancestor property?

one has to prove the nucleus of joint family and creation of properties during jointness of hindu family

Is nuclear an adjective?

Yes, it is an adjective. It refers to a nucleus, as in nuclear reaction, or the central form, as in nuclear family.

Do killer whale have a nucleus?

I am not quite sure which definition of nucleus you are trying to ask about, but every cell in living animals has a nucleus. If you are talking about nuclear family units, orca/killer whales, like most whales, live in family groups called pods, which can contain mates and offspring of several generations. Whales do not generally separate from their pods if they do not have to, so many view this tendencey as being similar to the nuclear family of most mammalian species. I hope this answers your question somewhat.

How is nuclear family better than bigger family?

It isn't. A nucleus cannot last long with out surrounding electrons -- in other words, families need other families to survive.

What is the center of the atom where protons and neutrons are?

Atomic nucleus .

What is a definition for the word 'nuclear'?

Of or relating to the nucleus. In the context of chemistry, the nucleus is the center of atom, composed of protons and neutrons. Nuclear chemistry deals with reactions that involve the nucleus, for example in which neutrons are either added to or removed from the nucleus of an atom. There are other meaning, but they generally refer to something central or the core of something (the nuclear family is composed of parents and children only).

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How does Love and trust form the nucleus of the family?

Love and trust in today's family constellation is a tall order. Yes, there was a time when a family had fewer distractions. There was the extended family with several generations living together. But with "no-fault divorce" and "shacking-up, that layered generational family flew out the window. Still even today, love and trust, or as I would say, intimacy and mutuality, shape the parental love relationship of the nuclear family. Alikeness, similar values and lifestyles are still the criteria that goes into a trusting nucleus of a family. Read more about values and lifestyles in Meyer's "Marriages, Shack-ups and Other Disasters."

What organelle that manages or controls all the cell functions in a eukaryotic cell?

the nucleus.

What is the center of an atom called?

The center of an atom is called a nucleus (nucleifor plural).Center of an atom is called the "Nucleus".