

What is nulear energy?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is nulear energy?
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What energy type is generated by nuclear energy?

Nuclear decay produces energy that can be regarded either as kinetic energy or as heat. It is measured in electron volts. If that is confusing, the confusion arises from the fact that we are operating at the atomic level, which most people never have the opportunity to observe. Heat is actually the amount of energy in atoms as they move about in space. It is related to the speed of the atoms, which is kinetic energy. We do not get a sense of this because at our level, the atoms are not observable, and since their motion is random, and there is an immense number of them, they cannot move objects in any way we can observe visually or by feel. We observe is the excitation as heat. An electron volt is not a unit of electricity, but a unit of kinetic energy. It is the amount of energy gained by an electron accelerated through an electric potential difference of one volt. It is the difference of energy caused by a difference in speed.

What are examples of what type of energy?

* thermal energy * chemical energy * nuclear energy * mechanical energy * magnetic energy * electrical energy * radiant energy * elastic energy * sound energy * luminous energy * gravitational energy

8 different types of energy?

here are some: -Linear Kinetic energy -Rotational Kinetic energy -Heat energy -Atomic energy -Electrical energy -Sound energy -Solar energy -Wind energy -Tidal energy -Wave energy -Hydro energy -Nuclear energy -Succesive ionization energy

What are the 8 forms of energy?

Kinetic Energy. Potential Energy . Mechanical Energy . Thermal Energy . Electromagnetic Energy . Electric Energy . Nuclear Energy . --Chemical Energy .

What are the various forms of energy?

chemical energy,light energy,gravitational energy,,sound energy,kinetic energy,electrical energy,elastic energy,and heat energy.hope that helps hehe

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What is the formula for nulear energy?

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radiation effect

How do you activate a nulear bomb?

The firing mecanism must be insertrd into the bomb

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POne good thing is that they provide a decent amount of power

How many nulear station are there in India?

Currently, eight nuclear station are producing eight billion kilowatt of electricity

Why India's experiment related to nulear tests at pokharan not detected by American spy planes?

Because they knew nothing about it until it was over.

What are the energy technologies in chronological order when they became important to industry?

1. Steam2. coal3. Oil4. Nulear

Are there any nulear fusion facilities in the US?

No, nor anywhere else on earth. Nuclear fusion is beyond our capabilities at the moment and is likely to be for several decades to come.

What is nulear?

It might be an incorrect spelling of "nuclear".It might be an incorrect spelling of "nuclear".It might be an incorrect spelling of "nuclear".It might be an incorrect spelling of "nuclear".

What is the difference between nucleoplasm and nuclear envelope?

The nulear envelope is a membrane that surrounds the entire nucleus while the nucleoplasm is a liquid (like the cytoplasm) that surrounds the chromosomes and the nucleolus within the nuclear envelope.