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Q: What is nutrition flow in ecosystem?
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How does energy flow through an ecosystem?

How does diffusion help the cell get nutrition?

It lets the cell nutrition flow into the cell.

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fast energy flow in the biomass

What is meant by energy flow in an ecosystem and state its importance in an ecosystem?

when the sun makes plant grow

What shows the flow of energy through an ecosystem?

Energy Pyramid

How does the flow of nutrients in an ecosystem differ from the flow of energy in an ecosystem?

The flow of energy in an ecosystem is unidirectional and is not cyclic. It is represented in a flowchart form. The flow of nutrients in an ecosystem is cyclic like a water cycle. An example for flow of energy is :- sun --- producer --- primary consumer --- secondary consumer --- tertiary consumer --- decomposer. The energy remained in the is very little and it is released as heat. An example for flow of nutrients is :- air, water, soil --- producer --- primary consumer ----secondary consumer --- tertiary consumer ---- decomposer ---- air, water, soil--- and so on (cyclic)

How does diffusion help cells survive?

Diffusion helps the cell get nutrition by letting nutrition or food flow into the cell.

What do decomposer do in an ecosystem?

Decomposers causes the fourth consumers to decay, causing it to bring back its nutrition to the environment... (:

What starts the energy flow into an ecosystem and which level has the most energy?

hi peoples.

Energy flow in an ecosystem is not cyclic because energy is?

lost as heat or used

Each step in the flow of energy through an ecosystem is known as?

food chain

what is a conceptual model that represents the flow of energy through an ecosystem?

food web.