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Ecosystem ecology

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Q: Which level of ecology considers energy flow and chemical cycling?
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What drives energy flow and chemical cycling on earth?

the sun

Which energy is converted when you are cycling?

In your muscles, chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy.In your muscles, chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy.In your muscles, chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy.In your muscles, chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy.

What are the most basic processes in an ecosystem?

cycling of nutrients flow of energy from sunlight to producers to consumers

What are the four levels of ecology?

The four levels of ecology include: (1) organismal ecology, which is concerned with adaptations that enable organisms to meet challenges posed by their abiotic environment. For example, a salamander is restricted to moist environments because their skin does not prevent dehydration; (2) population ecologyconcentrates on factors that affect population density and growth; (3) community ecology focuses on species interactions, such as predation and competition that impact the structure and organization of a community. Finally, (4) ecosystem ecology addresses questions that concern energy flow and the cycling of chemicals, i.e. what processes recycle vital chemical elements, like nitrogen for both biotic and abiotic factors.

How are plants iportant in an ecosystem?

Since plants are the only way to convert sunlight into chemical energy (food), without them any ecology would be mighty sparse.

Photosynthesis converts solar energy into what type of energy?

chemical energy

What does chemical energy?

chemical energy is energy stored in chemical bonds.

What is the formula for chemical energy?

Energy has no chemical formula as it is not a chemical.

Why is cycling kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy of moving things, And a bicycle in use is a moving thing.

Definition of chemical energy?

chemical energy is stored energy in a chemical itself. OR energy stored in chemical bonds of molecules

What type of energy is stored in a banana?

A type of chemical energy.

What energy transformation is taking place when a boy is cycling down a hill?

kinetic energy