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raise taxes

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Q: What is obama point of view on the taxes?
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What is Barack Obama's point of view on taxes?

From what Obama's statements he wants to make taxes fair for everyone , even the wealthier americans of the u.s

What is Barack Obama point of view?

On what?

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He is in favour of it.

What is Obama's point of view on national security?

barack obama wants to enforce the states security.

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Obama favors compulsary health insurance for everybody

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I need to know What Johns McCains point of view is on taxes

Will Barack Obama rise taxes?

Barack Obama states he will not raise taxes.

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give me an answer write now or else i will love you

Does Barack Obama support taxes?

There is no such thing as "supports taxes" or "does not support taxes." Taxes are a fact of life, there is no way for Pres. Obama to not support taxes. President Obama supports a progressive tax, meaning rates are higher on the rich then the poor.

What is Barack Obama point of view on national security?

If we bow down to all other countries, everyone will be our friends.

How does Barack Obama feel about taxes?

Obama loves taxes because he's a politician and all they want is more federal power. Obama's also a liberal and thus twice as bad as a normal politician. So Obama loves taxes because they add to the federal reserve.

Can you give a list of Obama's staff who actually paid taxes?

There are currently 100 Obama staff members that have not yet filed taxes.