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Q: What is observed on the leaf surface when it is held below hot water?
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The force by which water molecules are held by imbibing surface can be determined in terms of water potential.

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it was recently found in the area known as "Leteralicial" it is a crater that held water.. -Dr. Retanolini

Why does a small water droplet in the air remain spherical?

It is held in a spherical shape by the surface tension of the water/air boundary which forces the droplet to assume the smallest surface area possible (which is a sphere).

Why does a pond skater insect not sink?

A pond skater insect is held up by surface tension.Water molecules have an attraction for each other. At the surface of the liquid there is no water in one direction (up, naturally) so the molecules at the surface are pulled with a net force downwards. This creates a surface layer which has a high viscous property (know as surface tension). To penetrate this layer requires a measurable force. Since the weight of a pond skater does not exceed this force it is held up by the surface of the water.

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Will a paper clip float in water?

No, it isn't hollow/light enough... Improving answer: But sometimes things don't actually "float" on the water when they are really held up by surface tesion. I have heard that you can make paper clips or pins "float" on the surface of calm water.

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World Music Day is a festival held on 21st June. Also, No Music Day is observed on 21st November.

What doe groundwater mean?

Large Underground deposits of water underneath the earth's surface.

On what type of surface is a demolition derby usually held?

Demolition Derbys utilize an asphalt race track with a particular emphasis on providing a slick surface for the vehicles. This is usually aided by soapy water being put down on the surface beforehand.

What are water droplets held together by?

The surface tension of the water holds it together. Water has an almost magnetic property in that it sticks to itself. The raindrops physically cannot be too bog because air resistance would rip it apart, but it has great enough surface tension to avoid being reduced to individual molecules.