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it act as a volcano it will cool and harden

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Q: What is observed when drop of water is placed on the molten wax in the bowl of a lighted paraffin candle?
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Related questions

What is the freezing point of molten candle wax?

range from 47oC to 81oC

Is a candle wick nessary?

Yes a candle wick is necessary to get the candle flame. The molten wax ascends the wick by capillary force and burns to create the flame.

How much does a half weight?

Half a gallon of milk? Used motor oil? Molten candle wax?

What is made by a candle?

Depending on what you look at it, the answer can be many things. It can be smoke, or light or flame. But mostly, it sometimes makes a beautiful smell. But always what you end up with, is molten wax.

Does Phobos have any volcanoes?

None have been observed. Phobos is probably too small to have a molten core.

What did the scientists see in a submersible observed the mid- ocean ridge?

Rocks formed by the rapid hardening of molten material.

What did scientists in a submersible see when they observed the mid ocean ridge?

Scientists in a submersible saw rocks formed by the rapid hardening of molten material when they observed the mid ocean ridge. They only saw these after rocking the submersible in every direction.

What Made liquid by heat?

molten molten molten molten molten molten molten molten molten molten n molten molten molten molten

How does burning candle affect mass differently than melting a candle?

When a candle burns, it undergoes a chemical reaction called combustion, where the wax reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. During this process, the candle's mass decreases as some of the wax is converted into gases. On the other hand, when a candle melts, it transitions from solid to liquid state, but its mass remains unchanged as no chemical reaction occurs.

What are colored candles wax made from?

Candles can be made from paraffin, beeswax, soy wax or (rarely) tallow. Coloring is added to the molten wax by adding aniline pigment (dye), in the form of chips, flakes or liquid.

What is a plumber's candle?

Many years ago, plumbers used the plumbers candle to join pipes together. Wax from the burning candle would be dripped onto a "wiping cloth" to form a protective coating on the cloth. Molten lead would then be poured onto the cloth and wiped onto the joint of the pipes to seal the joint. The candle wax prevented the lead from sticking to the cloth. This process of joining pipes together was called "lead wiping." It is likely that plumbers needed a candle that would give off a lot of light while they worked in dark confined spaces. They may have asked candlemakers to create a candle that provided more light than a normal taper candle. So, another theory for the origin of the plumbers candle is that the plumbers candle was made specifically to provide light for plumbers as they worked. In the days before paraffin wax, tallow (animal fat or oil) was used to make candles. Plumbers candles used to be made from spermaceti, the oil from the head of the sperm whale. Spermaceti candles were renowned as the brightest burning candles of their times. The plumbers candle was made a bit thicker with a larger wick, which made it burn even brighter. Due to overhunting, the sperm whale become an endangered species, and use of the spermaceti became illegal. Paraffin wax quickly became a replacement for spermaceti and burns almost as brightly. ALSO: Plumbers' candles contain more stearic acid, which means they burn longer than cheap ones which contain less.

Why when you burn a candle the mass decreases?

Maybe a better question is whether a candle AND it's combustion products gets heavier or lighter. Since a candle uses the oxygen from the air, the total mass gets heavier than the original candle.