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Q: What is occasionally included in a chemical formula for a compound containing a poly-atomic ion that is never used in a binary ionic compound?
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Which of these is an example of a compound containing a polyatomic ion?


What is the chemical's name and formula Clues It is an ionic compound containing four ions per formula unit The cation is polyatomic It is found in bread?

yes it is found in bread

What is the difference between a binary compound and a polyatomic compound?

A binary compound is a chemical compound composed of only two elements but a polaytomic compound is a compound made up of a polyatomic ion (two or more atoms chemically bonded together).

What is chemical compound of sodium nitrite?

Nitrite is a polyatomic ion with an overall charge of -1. The formula for nitrite is NO2-.

Is compound a Chemical?

A chemical containing two or more elements in the molecule.

Which chemical is a compound?

A chemical containing two or more elements in the molecule.

The charges in a compound should always add to?

By definition, a compound is always neutral. If the polyatomic chemical entity has a charge, it is no longer a compound, but is now a polyatomic ion. Ionic compounds and molecular compounds are also neutral in charge. The word "ionic" is just referring to the type of chemical bond in the molecule.

When do you call a substances compound?

A compound is a chemical substance containing in the molecule two or more different chemical elements.

What is the chemical symbol of containing milk?

Milk is a mixture, not a compound with a chemical formula.

Why polyatomic is neither element nor compound?

Polyatomic ions are not compounds because they are not electrically neutral, and they are not elements because they can be broken down into other chemical constituents -- the actual elements.

Polyatomic ion vs. covalent compound?

A polyatomic ion is similar to a covalent compound in as much as the atoms in the polyatomic ion are covalently bound, and it is a compound, but it has a charge. Hence it is an ION.

What is the chemical formula for ammonium nitate?

The formula for ammonium nitrate is NH4NO3. Both the cations and the anions in this compound are polyatomic.