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Q: What is often the first line of defense against terrorism in the us?
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Who are often the first line of defense against terrorism in the US and other nations?

Counter-terrorism Intelligence is often the first line of defense against terrorism in the US and other nations.

What does State Terrorism mean?

It's a highly emotive term, often used in propaganda, but at face value it would mean a state using undue, gratuitous and indiscriminate force against its own citizens or foreigners, as a weapon of state policy.

What were the causes of the Battle of Tours?

It is most often considered to be the European Christian defense against the forces of Islam.

How to fight terrotism in our country?

It is difficult to impact the threat of terrorism as an ordinary citizen. Ignoring terrorism to the extent that it is not causing fear, but is being well protected against, is often the best method. Terrorism seeks to cause terror among the population. Being strong and advocating for higher security along borders and checkpoints is the best way to fight terrorism as an average citizen.

What is a metaphor for protection?

A shield is often used as a metaphor for protection, symbolizing strength, security, and defense against harm or danger.

What is the nickname for the Department of Defense?

The Department of Defense is often referred to as The DOD.

What is political terrorism?

Defining terrorism has always been difficult. One of the criteria for an act being considered a terrorist act is often the use of violence for the furtherence of political or social goals. Political terrorism specifically refers to terrorism whose goal is to effect political change.

Who is often the target of terrorism?

Mumbai, because it is a famous tourist place in India.

The ANZACS in Europe and Africa during World War 2?

Were often the First line of Defense, the first elements in an attack and all because they were excellent at what they did.

How often does terrorism occur?

Since 1964 there has been *reported* 64,000 attacks as of 2009.

How does terrorism begin?

Terrorism often begins with fear. A terrorist works to make others fear them. This fear makes the terrorist feel more powerful, and in control.

What does 'Attack is the best form of defense' mean?

It means rather than wait to defend yourself from someone, attack them first. Doing that is better than defending yourself against their attack. Often it refers to a verbal exchange. Give him some verbal stick before he does to you.