

What is ohmic diffusion?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is ohmic diffusion?
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Is Thermistor ohmic or non-ohmic?

no.....thermistors are not ohmic.

Is vacuum tube ohmic or non-ohmic and why?

Vacuum tubes are non-ohmic devices

What are ohmic and non - ohmic conductors?

ohmic conductor does obey ohm 's law. non ohmic conductor does not obey ohm's law.

Differentiate between ohmic and non ohmic substances?

which law follow non ohmic substances

What is the difference between an ohmic resistor and a non-ohmic resistor?

A non-ohmic resistor doesn't have a constant resistance. A ohmic resistor has a constant resistance.

Example of non -ohmic and ohmic materials?


What is an ohmic conductor?

ohmic conductors are those which obey ohm's law

What is the difference between ohmic and non ohmic elements?

An 'ohmic' resistor is one which obeys Ohm's Law. For Ohm's Law to apply, the resistance of a circuit must be constant over the range of incremental voltages applied to it. If the resistance changes over an incremental range of voltages, then it is said to be 'non-ohmic', and it does not obey Ohm's Law.

What are Ohmic and Non - Ohmic conductor?

ohmic ocnductor is a material which obeys ohm's law: i.e. the voltage and current are directly proportional 2 each other anda non-ohmic ocnductor is a material which doesn't obey ohm's law:)

When the voltage across the ends of a piece of wire is doubled what effect does this have on the current in the wire?

current doublesAnswerIt depends on whether the wire is ohmic or non-ohmic. If it is ohmic, then the current will also double. If, like tungsten, it is non-ohmic, then it depends.... because doubling the voltage will cause its resistance to increase.Ohmic materials obey Ohm's Law, whereas non-ohmic materials do not.

Why are ohmic materials useful?

because ohmic materials such as resistors can be placed in ur bedroom for safe sex

What is the difference between resistor and metrosil?

Resistors are ohmic and fixed whereas metrosils are non ohmic and variable - version of a varistor.