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Q: What is on kind of microbe that attacks body cells called?
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What is opsonisation?

Enhances phagocytes by coating a microbe. Opsonization promotes attachment of a phagocyte to a microbe.

How the body's white blood cells respond to infection?

Once the white blood cells realise that there is a pathogen (unwanted microbe) in the body, it tracks it down and tries to destroy it. They do this by fully engulfing the microbe or sending antibodies to stick to the microbe therefore making it harmless. The white blood cell then remembers this pathogen so that it is prepared if it comes again.

What happens when HIV enters the body.?

It attacks and destroys a particular kind of lymphocyte called helper T cells.

Disease in which body attacks its own cells?


Do white blood cells defend the body against the disease.?

First they detect a infection in an area of the body. Then they wrap themselves around the microbe and kind of explode.

Body cells are called?

Body cells are called somatic cells. Soma- means body. Germ cells are those that produce egg or sperm.

What are Body cells that are 2n called?

Human body cells that are 2n are called "diploid"

Where can you find the infection from a virus its not in my blood?

To replicate viruses enter host body cells and take them over. Different viruses target different body cells. For instance the common cold virus targets the nasal membrains, herpies attacks nerve cells and HIV attacks bood cells.

How is that a microorganism is considered to be dead?

When a microbe enters a body its still needs to feed, so it feeds on what is available, the animals cells and nutrients. And of course the microbe has to get rid of that food and sometimes its waste can be toxic. It is this toxic waste substance that cause the disease.

What cell kill germs that attacks the body?

The cells that attack invading germs are white blood cells (technically known as leucocytes).

What is the causative agents of AIDS?

HIV is the causative agent for AIDS. It attacks the T Cells of the body.

What infectious disease attacks the body's white blood cells?

AIDS attack white blood cells, but it isn't infectious. It is inherited.