

What is on the Cullen Crest from twilight?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It is of a lion made of fire. Here is what it looks like...;_ylu=X3oDMTBpZm5udGl1BHBvcwM1BHNlYwNzcgR2dGlkAw--/SIG=1htrnkctb/EXP=1240095946/**http%3A//

and also it is not the real Cullen crest. I am a Cullen and I find this quite annoying that everyone thinks that the crest is the one in twilight when it is actually wrong!

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Q: What is on the Cullen Crest from twilight?
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The Cullen crest. Well its kinda hard to explain. go to like Twilight search up Cullen Crest

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In the Twilight books what does the chevron on the crest look like?

There is no Cullen crest in the twilight book that just a special thing they do in the movie

What is the animal on the Cullen's crest?

The animal on the Cullen family crest is a lion. It represents strength, courage, and nobility, reflecting the characteristics of the Cullen family in the Twilight series.

Where in the twilight book does it talk about the Cullen crest?

The Cullen crest is mentioned in the first book of the Twilight series, "Twilight," when Bella sees it displayed on a piece of jewelry Rosalie is wearing at their first meeting. The crest is described as a lion with a hand above it, symbolizing strength and unity. It represents the Cullen family's bond and history.

What is the description of The Cullen's crest?

although there is no crest in the books,the Cullen crest is real,but its not related to twilight but to the real Irsih Cullens.check out this site,hope this helps

Which twilight movie character wears the Cullen crest as a necklace?

Alice and Rosalie

Does Jasper have a Cullen crest?

Yes, Jasper Hale wears the Cullen family crest on his necklace in the Twilight series as a symbol of his loyalty to the Cullen family.

Where Can you buy Cullen crest jewelry?

You can buy Cullen crest jewelry from online retailers like Amazon or Etsy, as well as from specialty jewelry stores that cater to fans of the Twilight series. Make sure to check the authenticity and quality of the product before making a purchase.

What is the Cullen crest in twilight?

The crest was a sign to represent to Cullen's as a coven. It wasn't in the original book written by Stephenie Meyer. They are symbols embedded into bracelets, necklaces, and rings All the Cullen's where one in the movie keep and eye out for it.

Who wears the Cullen crest as a necklace?

In the Twilight series, Rosalie Hale wears the Cullen crest as a necklace. The crest symbolizes unity and the bond between the Cullen family members.

In twilight why do Edward and Emmet Cullen both where the same wristband?

The wristband has the Cullen crest on it. All of the cullens wear this in some way. (the girls have necklaces)