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The outside of the cactus stem is covered with a thickened outer skin that may be glossy, leathery or waxy. The skin protects the cactus from excess water loss through evaporation. It also serves to deflect and disperse light, through its ribbing. The ribbing also allows the stem to contract or expand to accommodate more or less amounts of water. The skin is a source for growth, through its growth buds. From the buds grow the branches, modified leaves, fruits, flowers, and seeds.

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Q: What is on the outside of a cactus stem?
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cactus have a hollow stem. it is where they store water and food for survival

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In cactus leaves are absent. Chlorophyll are found in trunk mainly.

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A cactus stores water in its stem.

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The 'spines' of a cactus attach directly to the stem of the plant.

How does the stem of a cactus help it survive in a environment?

The stem of a cactus is able to store water during rainy periods for use during a drought.

What is a very tall cactus that can store water inside there stem?

Water, dissolved nutrients, and byproductsof photosynthesis are stored in the cactus stem. The water and the dissolved nutrients are sent up into the stem from the cactus plant's roots. They're held in the stem until they can be used in the photosynthetic interaction with sunlight. From that interaction are made the energizing carbohydrates, starches and sugars that the cactus needs for such activities as flowering, fruiting, growing, reproducing, and responding to stresses and stressors.

Where does a cactus store most of its water?

A cactus stores most of its water in its stem or body

What is cactus that stores water in its stem called?

A cactus that stores water in its stem is called a stem succulent. The stem has tissues that are capable storing large quantities of water. The stem also has a thick waterproof epidermis covered by a waxy cuticle that prevents loss of water due by evaporation. Examples of stem succulents - Cardon Cactus, Organ Pipe Cactus, Saguaro Cactus

Why there a chloroplast inside the cell of the stem of a cactus plant?

Cactus are desert plants.Their leaves have turned into thrones.

What desert plant has no leaves but has stems and spines?

A cactus has no leaves but does have a stem.

What is in the cactus that enables it to live?

A cactus can store water in its fleshy stem and this enables it to survive periods of drought.