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Q: What is on word that describes the movement of an algal cell when near a light?
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What organelle converts light energy to the chemical energy in the cell?

The chloroplast converts light energy into chemical energy in a photosynthetic cell, such as a plant cell or algal cell.

Ultra structure of algal cell with suitable diagram?

algal cell :-0

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Which term describes the movement of water molecule in and out of the cell?

The movement of water through a semipermeable membrane is called osmosis.

What terms describes the movement of water molecule in and out of cell?

The movement of water through a semipermeable membrane is called osmosis.

What property describes the plasma membrane's ability to regulate movement of molecules into and out of the cell?


What cell does not have a cell wall and a chloroplasts?

It is the animal cell which doesn't have cell wall and chloroplast as these structure are the distinguishing characteristics of plant and algal cells.

Which term describes the movements of water in and out of a cell?

The movement of water through a semipermeable membrane is called osmosis.

Which term describes the movement of water molecules into and out of the cell?

Osmosis is the movement of water particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, across a semi-permeable membrane.

How would you decide if a cell was animal plant prokaryotic?

If a cell does not have a nucleus, then it is a prokaryote. If a eukaryotic cell has chloroplasts, then it is a plant or algal cell. If a cell has a nucleus but no chloroplasts, then it could be an animal cell.

How you would decide if a cell was animal plant or prokaryotic?

If a cell does not have a nucleus, then it is a prokaryote. If a eukaryotic cell has chloroplasts, then it is a plant or algal cell. If a cell has a nucleus but no chloroplasts, then it could be an animal cell.