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One Benefit Is Freedom Of Speech. Other Benefits Are Found In The First Amendment.

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Q: What is one benefit of being a citizen of the US of America?
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The right to travel with a US blank is one benefit of being a citizen of the US?

The right to travel with a US passport is one benefit of being a citizen of the US. US citizens need a passport to travel to other countries.

Name one benefit of being a us citizen?

One of the benefits are that you get to be protected by the us army


To be born in one of the 50 states or holdings of the United States with parent citizens or to be born with one parent a United States citizen. A child born on an overseas military base to at least one American is a citizen.

What happens when a permanent citizen of America gets married to a Jamaican citizen?

They are officially married. One spouse can sponsor the other for immigration to his or her country.

About how many cars and trucks are in America?

There is one and a half car for every US citizen

What are the Costs and benefits of being in congress?

* One benefit is being paid 105,000 dollars.

What is the difference between patriotism and citizen?

The difference is you are born into being a citizen but, in reality you are not born into patriotism. Patriotism is a love for your country and its beliefs, Citizenship means you are given rights to a country. In the US Pledge ofAllegiance it says " ONE nation under GOD" but, not all people in America believe in God. So you are a citizen but, you don't agree to Patriotism because you disagree with this nations Allegiance which is on of the most known things in America.

How can you find an American citizen?

go to America and find three people. Odds are one of them is American

Who can take you to America?

If you want to become an American citizen, serving in the military is one way to do so.

One benefit of living in the US?

You have a choice on how America proceeds in its development at the Ballot Box.

How do you benefit from Jesse Owens?

We benefit him because of the contributions he made upon being the one of the worlds greatest athletes.

What is one requirment you must meet to become president?

being a u.s. citizen