

What is one desert in China?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Both the Gobi and the Taklamakan Deserts are found in China.

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Q: What is one desert in China?
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What large desert lies in northern China and southern Mongolia?

There are a few deserts in China, one of which being the Gobi. The largest desert in China however, is the Taklamakan.

What is the desert in northwest China?

The Gobi Desert is in northwest China on the border with Mongolia. It is one of the largest cold deserts in the world. The other is the Taklamakan Desert.

What is one of the largest desert in the world and is between China and Mongolia?

The Gobi Desert is shared by Mongolia and China but is the 4th largest desert in the world. The largest desert is the Antarctic Desert followed by the Sahara and then the Arabian Desert

What is the main desert in China?

The Gobi Desert is the largest desert in China. It is located in the northwestern part of China on the border of Mongolia.The Gobi Desert is the largest desert in China. It is located in the northwestern part of China on the border of Mongolia.

What is China's largest desert?

The largest desert in China is the Gobi Desert.

What is a large desert in China?

The two major deserts in China are the Gobi Desert and the Taklamakan Desert. Both occur in northwestern China and the Gobi is on the border with Mongolia. Both are considered as cold winter deserts. The summers can get quite hot but winter temperatures are bitterly cold, sometimes dropping to -40 degrees F.

What is the cold desert in Mongolia and China?

Cold desert in Mongolia and China is Gobi Desert.

What desert is in the north of China?

The desert which is located on the western side of China is the Taklamakan Desert. This is the largest desert in China and can be seen from space.

Where is the Taklamakan Desert located?

XinjiangIn North Western Chinacentral AsiaThe Taklamakan Desert is located in northwest China. More specifically, it is located in Xinjiang. The desert has an area of 130,116 square miles.

What is the longest desert in China?

The Gobi Desert is the largest and longest desert in China.

What two deserts are the largest in china?

The largest are the Gobi Desert in north central China and the Taklamakan Desert in western China.

What desert borders North China?

The Gobi Desert is found in northwestern China on the border with Mongolia.