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Book lungs have a few serious disadvantages. One is that their open eing are on the underside of the tarantula, so if they submerge their underside an a liquid, they can die. Also, when a tarantula runs, it tightens muscles around the book lungs so that while a tarantula runs, it must hold its breath. That's why they only sprint :)

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Q: What is one disadvantage of book lungs for a tarantula?
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Is a tarantula a outdoor typed spider?

A tarantula is most definatly an outdoor spider sometimes they can be found in warm places such as hawaii, arizona, and california. Sometimes they can be indoor if you have one as a pet but, yeah, most tarantula's are outdoor.

What the best type of tarantula to get as a pet?

NONE, Tarantulas will kill their owner when they get the chance, especially at night , but if you really want one get a mexican tarantula