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Q: What is one example of a demilitarized zone that has worked?
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What is the Full form of DMZ?

DMZA DMZ is the abbreviation for "Demilitarized Zone". A Demilitarized Zone is an area that much like a border. No one can really cross that area. These DMZ's are always established after wars. An example of a DMZ was that of the one between North Korea and South Korea created during the Vietnam War. THE DMZ, IS JUST A BORDER THAT DIVIDES NORTH KOREA AND SOUTH KOREA INTO TWO INDEPENDANT COUNTRIES..Demilitarized zone

What sepatates North Korea from South Korea?

The Demilitarized Zone. The DMZ. It's one of the heaviest guarded borders in the world.

Where did North Korea and South Korea sign the armistice in 1953?

At the 38th Parallel, in the Demilitarized Zone. Specifically at Panmunjeom, a small village at the Demilitarized Zone, on July 27, 1953. This village is now a tourist spot where one can see (using binoculars) North Korean villagers across the border doing their daily chores. The zone is only 4 kilometers wide.

Why did entering no man's land come to mean almost certain death?

In many places and in many times "No Man's Land" was a dangerous area because of either harsh conditions or that it was guarded carefully. One modern example of a no man's land is the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea.

What was the dividing line between North and South Vietnam called?

The 17th parallel was established on 21 July 1954 as a provisional demarcation line.

What endangered animals live in the neritic zone?

That depends on the specific neritic zone. An animal endangered in general in a neritic zone is different than one endangered in a specific estuary or reef ecosystem for example. Manatees would qualify if you wanted an example of an animal.

What country is between North Korea and South Korea?

The Korean peninsula is one country, divided into two halves by an imaginary line called the 38th parallel. There is a "DMZ" (demilitarized zone) between the two countries, a no-man's land which is - I think - 3 miles wide (corrections welcomed on that).

In the 16th century where did people live in England?

they worked together. one example of what they did was washing their clothes with there hands

Which zone is the Twilight Zone?

The twilight zone is the one under the sunlit zone

What are the examples of international resources or resources that lie beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone?

One best example is manganese nodules present in Indian ocean that lies beyond exclusive economic zone.

If you travel from the Eastern Standard Time Zone to the Central Standard Time Zone you must adjust your watch. What do you need to do to it?

Eastern Standard time (EST) zone in the US is one hour ahead of Central Standard time (CST) zone. The sun got there in the east first, so they started ahead of the rest of the US. Central zone is the next zone towards the west from the EST zone. So, to directly answer your question, you would adjust your watch one hour back. For example 8 am in EST is 7 am in CST.

What is an example of real life example of a linear function?

(Cost to fillerup) = (cost for one gallon) times (number of gallons of empty space in the tank) (Your average speed) = (distance you drove) divided by (the time it took you) (Hours you worked last week) = [ 5 times (hours you worked every morning) ] plus [ 5 times (hours you worked every afternoon) ]