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Mechanical energy, solar energy, electrical energy. There are many more.

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13y ago

Coal, oil, natural gas, wind, water, biomass, are some examples that are not nuclear

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One example of non-solar nuclear energy is nuclear fission, which involves splitting the nucleus of an atom to release energy. This process is used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

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Fission of uranium 235

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Fossil fuel

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Q: What is one example of a non solar nuclear energy?
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Is solar energy more efficient than nuclear energy?

Solar energy and nuclear energy are both efficient in their own ways. Solar energy is renewable and non-polluting, but it is dependent on weather conditions and location. Nuclear energy is a reliable source of power, but it produces radioactive waste and has associated safety concerns. The efficiency of each depends on factors such as cost, environmental impact, and energy output.

What are the types of the conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

Conventional energy sources are coal, oil, natural gas, and hydraulic energy sources.Non conventional energy sources are nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, wave, tide, and biomass energy sources.

What is a non example of a potential problem with using nuclear energy?

A non-example of a potential problem with using nuclear energy could be the positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels. Nuclear energy does not emit carbon dioxide during power generation, making it a cleaner energy source in terms of climate change mitigation.

Is nuclear power is non conventional energy?

Nuclear power is considered a conventional source of energy because it has been used for several decades on a large scale to generate electricity. Non-conventional sources of energy typically refer to renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydropower.

What are ways to save energy by using Wind Power Nuclear Energy Solar Power Geothermal Energy?

Using wind power: Install wind turbines to generate electricity. Using nuclear energy: Utilize nuclear reactors to produce electricity. Using solar power: Install solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity. Using geothermal energy: Tap into underground heat to generate electricity.

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What are non examples of solar energy?

Nuclear energy

What are some non examples of solar energy?

Nuclear energy

What is a non-example of geothemal energy?

Solar power is a non-example of geothermal energy

What is a non example of solar energy?

The lights on a covered stadium, do the same job but it is not solar energy

What is a non example of coal?

Solar energy is a non-example of coal. Solar energy is generated from sunlight through solar panels, whereas coal is a fossil fuel that is mined from the earth.

What are non-example of fossil fuel?

solar energy

Is solar energy more efficient than nuclear energy?

Solar energy and nuclear energy are both efficient in their own ways. Solar energy is renewable and non-polluting, but it is dependent on weather conditions and location. Nuclear energy is a reliable source of power, but it produces radioactive waste and has associated safety concerns. The efficiency of each depends on factors such as cost, environmental impact, and energy output.


Non renewable energy is energy that you will soon run out on. For exemple Nuclear energy. Renewable energy is energy that you can kept on using and it will never run out! For example Solar energy, Biomass and Wind turbines. These are only a few!

What are the types of the conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

Conventional energy sources are coal, oil, natural gas, and hydraulic energy sources.Non conventional energy sources are nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, wave, tide, and biomass energy sources.

What is a non example of a potential problem with using nuclear energy?

A non-example of a potential problem with using nuclear energy could be the positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels. Nuclear energy does not emit carbon dioxide during power generation, making it a cleaner energy source in terms of climate change mitigation.

Is nuclear power is non conventional energy?

Nuclear power is considered a conventional source of energy because it has been used for several decades on a large scale to generate electricity. Non-conventional sources of energy typically refer to renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydropower.

Is solar energy considered non renewable?

No, solar energy is renewable.