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Q: What is one factor that would influence the length and specialisation in the gut?
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What is one factor that would influence an auto parts company to relocate?

Tax rates

The multiplying factor when a shape is enlarged?

When a shape is enlarged the multiplying factor is greater than 1. Example : A factor of 7 means that a length of 1cm on the original shape would be represented by a length of 7cm on the enlarged shape.

Identify the scale factor if the length of a model train engine is 36 inches and the length of engine itself is 24feet?

The scale factor for a model train with a length 36 inches and the length of engine itself is 24 feet would be 1/8th. In order to answer this you will have to do a little math.

What is an example of a scale factor?

If a big triangle has a base length of 6, and a small triangle has a corresponding base length of 3, the scale factor from large to small is 2/1 (or 2). The scale factor from small to large would be 1/2.

How would the volume of a cube be affected if the length of each edge were divided by 4?

The volume would be reduced by a factor of 64.

How long would a day be to spin to get 360 days in a year?

The length of each day would have to be faster by a factor of 365.25/360.

Why is the sun not a major factor in the tides?

Actually, it is. The range of heights between high tides and low ones would be quite different, if the influence of the sun were not combined with the influence of the moon.

Biggest factor to influence cause of death?

my guess would B extreme poverty+there envirement shorten's a lifespan tremendusly.

What Conclusion factor would you use to convert between liters and milliliters?

you wouldnt, you cant convert volume to length

If two figures are similar what is the scale factor?

The scale factor will depend on the side lengths. (Angle measures of the figures will be identical.) For example, if the smaller side had a length of 5 and the larger side had a length of 10 the ratio of the two figures would be 1:2.

What geographic factor most influences North Korea's climate?

Depending on the area, the factor that most influence North Korea's climate would be latitude north of the equator and altitude since the country is quite mountainous.

How can financial factor influence peoples behaviour in health and social care?

You could have the money, the insurance, and the health to undergo treatment for a health issue but still be influenced by a factor that would prohibit you receiving a health care service