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Actually, it is. The range of heights between high tides and low ones

would be quite different, if the influence of the sun were not combined

with the influence of the moon.

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Q: Why is the sun not a major factor in the tides?
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Is the sun or moon the major source of tides?

The moon

What factors can make tides vary?

the moon's revolution around the earth has a major impact on the tides. the sun also has a less great impact on the tides, too. if we had no moon the tides would change greatly

What is the sun's radiant energy not a major factor of?

i dont know the sun

What is a sentence for the term gravitational pull?

The gravitational pull of the Moon is the major factor in high and low tides.

What is the most gravity force that creates tides?

The moon is the major source of tides on the Earth, followed by the Sun.

How sun drives ocean tides?

The sun doesn't "drive" tides. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon upon the oceans of the earth.

What causes the phases of the moon clipsesand tides?

The phases of the Moon are caused by the Moon moving in orbit around the Earth, being lit by the Sun from different angles. Eclipses are caused by the Moon in its orbit passing either between the Earth and the Sun (solar eclipse) or through the Earth's shadow (lunar eclipse). The tides are caused by the gravitational attraction of the Moon (major factor) or Sun (minor factor, because it's farther away) as the Earth rotates on its axis so justou and your carz

Does the sun or moon have more affect on tides?

The moon affects the tides more than the sun.

Are tides at their highest during neap tides?

No Neap tides are when the sun,earth, and moon form a right angle. This makes the the water on earth be pulled towards the sun and the moon. causing the tides to be very low. Spring tides are when tides are the highest because the earth,sun,and moon are in a line,causing very high tides.

What controls ocean tides?

the moon is the main factor behind the oceans tides.

Does the Sun affect tides?

should do, doesn't that produce spring tides

What kinds of tides occur when the moon and sun are are angles?

neap tides