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One way scientists group species is when they check their appearance and how closely related they are to other organisms

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by having backbone or not

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Q: What is one important way how do scientists group animals?
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Why do you use identification keys?

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How do scientists use a classification system to categorize plants and animals?

Scientists use a classification system called taxonomy to categorize plants and animals based on their shared characteristics. This system groups organisms into hierarchical categories like kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. By classifying organisms in this way, scientists can better understand their relationships, evolutionary history, and biological characteristics.

What is important so that scientists can check one another's claims?

Communication. :)

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It is important for scientists to work together from different fields because think of it as a jigsaw one workes on one corner while you work on the other.

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the animals group is night animals specially bats