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There is water on Mars.

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Q: What is one interesting thing about planet Mars?
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What is one thing about Mars?

One interesting thing about the planet Mars is that it gets its red color from iron oxide. This is in the soil and the dust that blows around the surface of the planet. When combined with water, iron oxide becomes rust. So you could say that Mars is called the red planet because it is rusty!

Interseting facts about Mars?

One interesting fact about Mars is that the tallest mountain in the solar system is on Mars. Other facts include that it is the fourth planet from the sun, and that Mars is sometimes called the red planet because it has a reddish color.

What is the organization Mission ONE about?

After some research, there was no Mission ONE available. The closest thing found was called Mars One. Mars One is dedicated to establishing a human community on the planet Mars.

Does mars have an another planet orbiting it?

No. For one thing, a planet-like object that orbits a planet is a moon, not a planet. Mars does have two moons but they are captured asteroids, and would not be considered planets if the had their own orbits around the sun.

Does one planet Mars exists?

Yes, only one planet Mars exists.

Why is the grand cayon interesting?

The only thing interesting about the Grand Canyon is that it is of one the breath-takingly beautiful spots on this planet. Other than that, it's not very interesting.

Interesting things about Mars?

The largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, is located here. There is a canyon here that makes the Grand Canyon look tiny. A year on Mars is 686.98 days.

What is on the planet Mars?

No one knows what is on Mars, if you mean any life; but Mars is a very dusty and red colored planet

Is the Mars rover and the Mars pathfinder rover the same thing?

A Mars Rover is any machine capable of moving on the planet Mars. There have been many Mars Rovers. Pathfinder was one of them. Some others are - Spirit, Opportunity, Phoenix, Viking.

Is Mars a modern on ancient planet?

Ancient. Mars is one of the objects recognized as a "planet" - a wanderer in the skies.

How is Mars different from Mars?

One is a planet, the other is a candy bar.

What is the fourth planet the red one?
