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An atom turning into another type of atom and releasing energy can be nuclear fission, where an atom decays into an atom plus atomic particles such as neutrons or alpha particles or even daughter atoms plus particles. It can also be nuclear fusion where two or more smaller atoms link into a larger atom.

An example of fusion is four hydrogen nuclei combining to form a helium atom. This is the source of the sun's energy. The mass of the four hydrogen nuclei is a little more than the helium atom mass. The difference is released as energy. The hydrogen bomb tests caused this to happen on earth.

We would like to learn to do fusion on a controlled basis as an energy source. So far, in spite of much hard work, no joy.

An example of fission is the nuclear reactor which uses one of the Uranium isotopes in rods inserted in a reactor body to cause sustained fission. The Uranium atoms absorb a neutron which causes them to emit several neutrons and split into daughter atoms. Energy is released, the mass of the daughters plus neutrons being less than the mass of the Uranium atom plus neutron.

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