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most people on latin america still belong to the catholic church.

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9mo ago

One lasting result of Spanish colonization in Latin America is the enduring influence of the Spanish language and culture. Spanish became the dominant language in the region and is now spoken by the majority of the population. Additionally, Spanish architectural styles, religious practices, and social customs continue to shape Latin American societies.

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Q: What is one lasting result of the spanish colonization of latin America?
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Why are spanish and Portuguese the languages of latin America?

Spanish and Portuguese are the primary languages of Latin America due to the colonization of the region by Spain and Portugal during the 15th and 16th centuries. The languages were imposed on the indigenous populations and eventually became dominant as a result of colonial rule and influence. Today, they continue to be widely spoken due to their historical legacy and the lasting impact of colonization.

Why do many people Spanish in Latin America?

Spanish is widely spoken in Latin America due to the colonization by the Spanish Empire in the 16th century. The language was imposed on the indigenous populations, and over time, it became dominant as a result of cultural assimilation and the establishment of Spanish-speaking institutions. Today, Spanish is the official language in most Latin American countries.

Which two countries are basis for the language and customs of Latin America?

Portugal and Spain

Why do Mexicans speak the Spanish language?

Mexicans speak Spanish due to the Spanish conquest of Mexico in the 16th century. Spanish became the dominant language as a result of colonization and has since evolved into the official language of the country.

Why do Latin American countries speak Spanish?

Latin American countries primarily speak Spanish due to the Spanish colonization that began in the late 15th century. Spanish became the official language of these countries as a result of this colonization, and it has continued to be used widely in the region due to historical and cultural influences.

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most people in Latin America are Roman Catholic

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most people in Latin America are Roman Catholic

What is the result of the Spanish colonization of the Americas?

most people in Latin America are Roman Catholic

What is a result of the spanish colonization of the Americas?

most people in Latin america are Roman Catholic

What is a modern result of the Spanish colonization of the Americas?

most people in Latin America are Roman Catholic

What is the modern day result of the spanish colonization of the Americas?

most people in Latin America are Roman Catholic

What modern day result of the Spanish colonization of the Americas?

most people in Latin America are Roman Catholic

What is a modern day result of the spanish colonization of Americas?

most people in Latin America are Roman Catholic

The encomienda system in Latin America was a result of?

Colonization and conquest by Spanish conquistadors during the Age of Exploration.

What was cortes route and results?

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Which of theese is a modern day result of the spanish colonization of the Americans?

most people in Latin America are Roman Catholic

What is a modern day result of Spanish's colonization in America?

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