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hair in the ears (I am not joking.)

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Q: What is one of the few y-linked genes?
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Related questions

Which chromosomes carries the fewest numbers of genes?

The y chromosome, which only contains a few hundred genes.

Does a cell have only a few genes?

a single cell has 250,000 genes and their are over a billion cells

What is the advantage of conjugants?

Bacterial conjugation? When two bacteria conjugate one, or both, receive a plasmid from the other containing a few genes. This adds to the bacterial genetic diversity but, more importantly, these few genes could confer resistance to pathogenic agencies that one bacteria has now given the other bacteria.

How many genes for each feature does an individual possess?

There are hundreds of genes that make up one particular characteristic. possibly a few thousand, depending on the characteristic.

What are the alleles of a gene?

That depends on the gene: some genes have only a few alleles, some genes have hundreds or even thousands of alleles.

How can chimpanzee have different traits from one another?

They have different genes just as humans do.

An entire set of genes derived from one parent?

An entire set of genes derived from one parent

Why does it take only a few homeotic genes to control the development of a eukaryote?

Different genes are turned on or off in the different cell types as a result of specialization

Species rapidly evolving due to changes in a few genes?

Equilbrium bro

What is the rapid evolution that can come about by the mutation of just a few genes'?

Punctuated equilibrium

What genes are expressed even when present on only one chromosome?

dominant genes

What is the one sentence answer to the question what do genes control?

Genes control the synthesis of proteins.