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The Heart. Because the heart supplies blood to the rest of the organs without it the other organs would fail

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Q: What is one of your body most important organs?
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What are facts about brains?

It's in our heads and one of the most important organs in the body. It has two hemispheres, and they tend to control opposite parts of the body.

Is the heart important why?

The human heart is the one of the most important organs in our body. Without our heart, there would be no blood circulating through our body bringing oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.

Is the brain the most important part in your body?

The brain is just one of several vital organs we could not live without.

Why are organs are importat to live?

Every organs in our body has a special functions or role to make our body works. Every one of them is important for our survival.

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The purpose of liver enzymes is to protect and aid your liver from infections. The liver is one of the most important organs in your body and has to be protected.

What is the most important human organ?

The brain is the most important organ in the body as there is no device/implant that can replicate the tasks it performs. There is no way as of yet to even successfully transplant a brain The heart and lungs are also vital, if they don't work you die in minutes. Many other organs are also vital, for instance the liver and kidneys. We are complex organisms and all our body parts work together to keep us functioning.

What are the organs responsible for digestion in human body?

The stomach is J shaped.The abodomen is shaped like a pear.:)

What is one of the largest organs in the body and one of the only organs that can regenerate?

The Skin

What are the Creative Organs of the Human Body?

There are a few organs in the human body that could be considered creative organs. The brain is one example.

Is the patella is important to walk?

of course! it is one of the most important bones in your body.

One of the largest organs in the body?

The skin

Why human organs important?

All living organisms have one or more cells. Cells are integral to life, they perform the work of converting energy and reproducing and performing the functions necessary for life. In larger organisms, cells make up all the organs of the body and the blood and skin and other body parts.