

What is one way a polar bear adapts to its environment?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It has white fur for camouflage when stalking prey

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Q: What is one way a polar bear adapts to its environment?
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A Grizzly Bear is big but, if you measure them side by side, the Polar Bear is seven inches taller than the Grizzly Bear.

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No. A Twoonie only has one adult polar bear on the "tails" part of this coin.

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One species is just as healthy as the other.

Where can one find a polar bear cycling?

One can find pictures of a polar bear cycling on websites which have funny photo-edited images, for example Deviant Art. They may also be found at Freaking News and Polar Bear International.

One feature that helps the polar bear to live in its environment?

His fur is different in that it is hollow so it helps insulate him from cold and it is white so it absorbs heat.

Is the polar bear a myth?

No, it is not a myth. You can see a polar bear in a zoo, in movies, and in books. I suggest you look at one of the items above.

Who would win a fight a polar bear or ant?

Firstly, do you mean a polar bear? Secondly, it depends on what you mean by "beat". If you mean a human then a shotgun can shoot and kill a polar very effectively. Tourists heading for the north polar have a guide with them who carries a firearm in case of polar bear attack.

Is a polar bear really that dangerous?

yes a polar bear is it is the largest carnavor