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By losing or gaining electrons so that it's Valence level is full. This turns it in to a Stable Ion with either a positive or negative charge.

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Q: What is one way an element can achieve a stable electron configuration?
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Describe 1 way an element can achieve a stable electron configuration?

. Through the transfer of electrons between atoms

Which of the elements is stable?

a stable element is an element which have been able to complet its octect rule, i.e the electron of its outermost shell is complet, this is what is called a stable element

What does oxygen need to do in order to to achieve a stable electron configuration?

Oxygen atoms need to share or gain two electrons in order to achieve a stable electron configuration.

How Carbon has d orbital?

Electron Orbitals can form a hybrid in order to achieve a more stable element: sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, sp3d2

Atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve?

A stable electron configuration.

What ions does the element curium form?

Curium typically forms trivalent ions (Curium 3+), where it loses three electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

How do ionic compound obtain a stable electron configuration?

They achieve stable configuration by sharing their electrons in their outermost shell.

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Is the krypton element stable or unstable?

no it is not stable bcoz if an atom needs to be stable it needs to have 8 electrons in the valency (outermost) shell,where as a krypton has only 2 in its valency electron.

When is an element not likely to react?

When it is stable. that is, all of it's electron shells are fully occupied.